Thursday, February 18

Getting Started

So, admittedly, while blogging is not new to me, a blog attached to a website with a RSS feeds and other confusing things is all brand new and we are still working out the kinks.  You want pictures, you've got it, but ask me to do much more than that...  

We will, I promise, figure out how to get the Daily Scripture Readings (i.e. Lectionary Texts) back on the blog within this first week of Lent.  In the mean time if you go to the PCUSA's website for the Lectionary and click on the picture that says "read today's Lectionary" (like the one below), you will be able to, well... read today's Lectionary.  You will notice a whole list of Scriptures for each day.  I encourage you to read at least the gospel text for each day of Lent and as time allows, read some of the Psalms and other texts, as well.

For those who are new to blogs in general, the basic idea is that the author, or in this case authors, will share their thoughts about life, faith, and all kinds of other random things.  The purpose of this blog is, at least during this Lenten season, to allow anyone from the Front Royal Presbyterian Church congregation, and perhaps even other interested people, to read, discuss, reflect and comment on the Daily Scripture Readings for Lent and the Lenten devotional we are journeying through together during this Lenten Season: Emilie Griffin's Small Surrenders.

To all who journey with us in faith - Welcome!

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